Friday, 4 June 2010

My mini fan fic

Standing against the wall, body shaking, bloods dropping down from my forehead, there in front of me laid my beloved brother.

Sasuke: Why?? Why would he do such a thing?? I thought he loved us *thinks of his friends and family*, my brother, my very own brother, NOOO, WHY??? *Begins having a nervous break down* WHY??? *Hits the psycho mode* MY OWN GOD DAMN BROTHER!!!!!! *Has finally gone beyond all levels of insanity* *Hits the WTF mode and instantly drops down onto the ground*

(The breeze wanders past his body, gently moving his hair side to side)

(The sense of a complete a new and forever more Sasuke has arrived)

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH HIM” he screams out loud, as if he was a 2 year old, and flings himself over towards his brother. *clutches onto his heart, whilst tightening his body, as if something had suddenly hit him he suddenly freezes, feeling the rush of fear, love, hatred, memories, of his childhood, the good and the bad times of their brotherhood and not only that friendship* He slowly turns his head towards his brother and begins having a moment of thinking.

(Inner self)

I’ve never wanted you to die, up until this moment, never wanted this happen, you have always been the amazing big bro I’ve always wanted, from when we were small, I just don’t understand, why?? I don’t want you to die, pretty please, don’t go. I still love you. And I never got a chance to say, how do you deal with sexual emotions towards the male gender?? O_o

(Itatchi remains lying there dead, whilst tears run down Sasuke’s face)

1 comment:

  1. wooot...!! hehe... nice mini entry for your fanfic... :) nice and as always awesome.....
